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Teens acquitted of murder in immigrant’s fatal beating – CNN.com

May 1st, 2009 [Civil Rights, General, Law & Politics]


Teens acquitted of murder in immigrant’s fatal beating – CNN.com.

So let me get this straight – they acknowledged that the teens beat the guy, the guy died, and yet they were acquitted?

I don’t care who delivered the kick that killed him. They all contributed, and should all bear the consequences.

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15 Responses to “Teens acquitted of murder in immigrant’s fatal beating – CNN.com”

  1. This is a truly unbelievable story. This is not a town that I would ever want to visit…these people would make the Ku Klux Klan proud. They should be ashamed of themselves for not only exhonerating teenage murderers but for actually encouraging them to commit more mayhem by making them believe that they are above the law. What a truly disgusting town.

  2. Justice for all, and joke played on. A person died immigrant or not no body should loose his or her life because of where they are from. This court just set free the men that will be the leaders of our nation. Sad to think so. No justice is, why go through the motion? Once again the anglo saxon has proven he is the worst of humans. Forget about justice and lets do morally right and you fail there too.

  3. John Gary Says:

    I totally agree. Granted if it was my son i would try whatever I could to get him off. Yet, I don’t think justice was served here.

  4. This is totally outrages. How can evil like this still happen in our country? These guy’s committed murder, plain and simple. That jury should be ashamed of themselves.

  5. Elvin Rivera Says:

    These boys were tried by an all white jury in their hometown and people are surprised the were acquitted? It was a foregone conclusion. This man seemed honest and hardworking, doing jobs those clean all-american boys would turn their noses up at. Who was he hurting? No one that I can tell. They hated him because he was a dirty Mexican walking with a young white girl. Simple as that. Tthose nice people on the jury understood and agreed. I used to think that that kind of inbred hate, hate that is passed from parents to children, was dying but I was wrong. It’s alive and well in Shenandoah, Pa.

    PS: Yes, I am Hispanic and an American citizen though today I’m not very proud of that.

  6. Floyd Rogers Says:

    To be let go of outright murder is not what our country is about. How could anyone see this as a simple assault? When I read this I know for sure that our country will not last under God. It will fall and fall quick. I pray for a day when we have justice like in this case for everyone. To beat a man to death with blow after blow is wrong and then to kick a dying man to his death? These that gave that man a hit should be held as accomplices to first degree murder. May God save our country. Floyd

  7. Shouldn’t have beenb here in the first place

  8. this is wrong in every sense of the word. In my heart i knew when i heard about this a couple months ago that there would be no major penalty.I live in canada and we deal with race issues same as everyone else, but serioulsy this tells young hot headed white kids that you can beat a immigrant to death if you please and it’s alright cause your only gonna get a little simple assault charge are you kidding me maybe not murder but manslaughter with no question is what’s right

  9. A bunch of white kids beat up a minority to death and you expect them to be found guilty of murder? Please, what world do you live in? Of course, this trial was never going to be fair. If I were a family member or friend of the victim, this would be a brilliant opportunity to get some shooting practice.

  10. sandybutt Says:

    All white Jury! They might even give these guys awards at their weekly meeting with sheets!

  11. That is bull they deserve to go to jail , acquitted , Parents must have got deep pockets . It’s amazing what money and color can buy these days .

  12. This is an outrage! The system has failed yet again. These dumb jocks who instigated a confrontation with this innocent man, then beat him to a brutal death need to be made an example of, to others like their sorry selves, that
    racism and hatred leading to extreme violence will be punished severely.
    Ashamed to be witness to this obscene travesty.

  13. I smell a troll. 😛 Jose, it doesn’t matter whether he was supposed to be there. You don’t get to go around murdering people just because you don’t like them being here. All Americans are immigrants, except for Native Americans, and look how we treat them.

  14. Elvin Rivera Says:

    If the players roles were reversed and Luis Ramirez was on trial for killing one of the boys you can be sure that the verdict would have been guilty. “Of course he’s guilty. He’s an illegal Mexican immigrant.” How could those “boys” forget that they come from immigrant roots with names like Piekarsky and Donchak?

    They probably didn’t have to suffer the taunts and prejudice their grandparents and parents did when young but I’m sure they heard the stories from them. Maybe they came away with the wrong lesson. Maybe they were taught intolerance instead of tolerance. I don’t know. But the results are very obvious. They learned to hate.

    It’s time for the US Attorney’s office to step in and arrest those murderers and charge them with violating Ramirez’s civil rights. Regardless of his legal status in this country he had the God given right to live. The US Constitution guarantees it. Not just for us but for everyone.

    Today is Sunday and I’m sure many of the citizens of Shenandoah Pa will be in church this morning. I hope some of them pray for the family of Luis Ramirez. I hope all of them pray for forgiveness and mercy for themselves because they’ll need it.

  15. Well put, Elvin!

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