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Republicans concerned with voter fraud and election-stealing? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA. OMG. That is a good one.

October 15th, 2008 [Election 2008, General, Law & Politics]

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I am on a few conservative newsletter lists – you know, just to keep an eye on those who would spread lies and try to brainwash people in the right wing. I got an email from Human Events today that made me snort. Here’s the line that really got me:

“We will not stand for the stealing of elections — the tainting of our democracy — by those who wish to subvert the rule of law.”

OH REALLY? A particular Supreme Court decision comes to mind that indicates otherwise.

No, seriously? The conservatives – INVENTORS of voter disenfranchisement – are concerned that the Democrats are going to “steal” this election?


Let’s review here: ACORN, a relatively small blip on the radar of this election, is required BY LAW to submit every voter registration that it receives, regardless of whether it personally feels that a form is suspect. None of these registrations will actually be PROCESSED if they cannot be confirmed. Nobody is going to accidentally send Mickey Mouse a sample ballot. I promise.

Compare this alleged “voter fraud” (which is actually not voter fraud, but rather, registration fraud – and not on the part of ACORN) to voter registration in Nevada in the last Bush election, when it was discovered that the Republicans had held a voter drive and then destroyed and thrown away Democratic voter registrations so that those voters would turn up on election day and be unable to cast a ballot.

Compare it to the 2000 Florida election, when thousands of Floridians were prohibited from voting because their names were “similar” to the names of felons and former felons, or people whose voting rights had been restored, or who had only been convicted of misdemeanors, which does not eliminate the right to vote.

How about the police roadblocks that kept black Floridians from voting in that same election?

How about the Diebold CEO that promised to “deliver” Ohio to Bush in 2004? Those machines, you know, the ones with no paper trail, which studies have shown are easily hacked, and which can be programmed to ignore votes cast for certain candidates?

How about THIS election, where Republicans are looking at every possible option to prevent people from voting, including lying to students about their voting eligibility based on their parents’ tax returns, and seeking to block any person whose house is in the process of foreclosure by claiming that they no longer have an eligible address from which to register (even if they still LIVE there)???

Seriously? The Republicans are going to start talking about voter fraud and election-theft? The Republicans, who fare better when fewer people are allowed to vote?

Absolutely. Let’s talk about it.

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