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Reached your limit? Deauthorizing computers in iTunes

July 20th, 2008 [Computers, General, Music]

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Have you come across the “5 computers” error in iTunes? You know the one – it tells you that you have already authorized five computers and can no authorize new machines to play your iTunes-purchased songs and videos? If you’re like me, you’ve probably got a few “authorized” machines that died long ago, or maybe you forgot to deauthorize your work computer before you left your last job. How are you supposed to clear them now?

Well, it turns out that you CAN deauthorize your computers within iTunes without going to each computer that’s authorized to play your songs. The catch? 1) You can only do it once a year, and only if all five slots are already filled, and 2) doing it will deauthorize all five computers. If that’s fine with you, then here’s how to do it – it’s super-easy.

1) Log into the iTunes store in the iTunes application.
2) Click on your email address in the top right corner to bring you to your account page.
3) Enter your password when prompted.
4) You’ll be taken to your account page. In the top box, the last option in that section is “Computer Authorizations.” If all five computers are authorized, you will see a button labeled, “Deauthorize All.” Click it, and you’re all set. Just remember that you’ll have to reauthorize the computers you do want to use with the files.

That’s all!

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