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“Senator Kennedy did not go to England” | The Bilerico Project

August 31st, 2009 [General]

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“Senator Kennedy did not go to England” | The Bilerico Project.

t was inevitable that some lamebrain conservative would try to make political lemonade with the lemons of Ted Kennedy’s death. So Wendy Wright, president of Concerned Women For America, stepped into the lemonade stand. She just pointed out that when Senator Kennedy “faced a serious health problem he did not go to England, he did not go to Canada, he did not go to a country that has a government plan. He sought treatment in the country that he believed had the best treatment available, and that is America. That is a lesson that we can take from Ted Kennedy.”

Yeah. He used his handy-dandy government-provided insurance – the same insurance he wanted to make available for all Americans. Funny how he remembered the American people, while so many Republicans in Congress keep their precious insurance all hush-hush while they fight to keep the rest of us sick and uninsured.

This makes me laugh. Kind of like when the wingnuts claimed that under a nationalized healthcare system like they have in the UK or Canada, somebody like the genius Stephen Hawking would have been shoved aside and deemed unworthy of care. Never mind that Hawking is from the UK and was in fact not shoved aside.

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