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  • Miller v. Jenkins: One Gay Couple’s Custody Battle | Newsweek Culture | Newsweek.com

    December 14th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, LGBT, Marriage & Family, News]

    Miller v. Jenkins: One Gay Couple’s Custody Battle | Newsweek Culture | Newsweek.com.

    This is absolutely disgusting. This is no different from those old Lifetime movies where the father would kidnap the child and remove her to some foreign country where women (and therefore mothers) have no custodial (or any) rights. It’s absolute bullshit. When you and another person bring a child into this world, you are both parents to that child, and it is absolutely abhorrent to cut one parent out of the child’s life like that, and then try to brainwash her into hating her other mother, which you KNOW this lady is doing. Family values, my ASS. It makes me want to scream.

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    Newsweek’s marriage article, and another fabulous AFA email

    December 9th, 2008 [AFA, Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality, Religion]

    Gay Marriage: Our Mutual Joy | Newsweek Culture | Newsweek.com.

    Miller makes a pretty strong case against the sort of anti-gay, exclusive rhetoric that’s been tossed around lately. While she’s pretty strong on the Jesus, New Testament, and biblical marriage issue, I think she could have gone even further with the story of David and Jonathan. There was no brotherly love there, if you know what I mean. It’s beyond obvious if you actually read the story.

    Miller gets one detail wrong – it’s true that “not many” Jewish denominations (if you can call them that) sanctify same-gender marriage. But this is a misleading statement. There aren’t “many” Jewish “denominations” in the first place. The very largest one (Reform) does officially recognize same-gender marriage, with the second-largest one (Conservative) recognizing same-gender unions but stopping short at the word “marriage.” And I’m pretty sure the Reconstructionist and Humanist Jews recognize marriage as well. So while “not many” Jewish “denominations” (and that is so not the right word) officially recognize same-gender marriage or unions, most American Jews belong to one that does.

    Other than that detail, it’s actually a truly fabulous article, although you might not know it from reading the comments, which all seem to be suspiciously similar and overwhelmingly in opposition.

    Gee… I wonder why?

    Well, in case you hadn’t already guessed, the conservative wingnut groups have been BLASTING this article to all of their members, insisting that they take action while at the same time not-so-subtly suggesting that they don’t actually read the article before doing so (why take the chance that somebody might actually listen to reason?). I’ve gotten a few emails to this effect. One of them was from the American Foundation for Self-Righteous and Holier-than-thou Consumption of Pornographic Material, more commonly known as the American Family Association (AFA). Here’s the email they sent out (God, I love it when the AFA sends out emails):

    Newsweek magazine has published a lengthy article stating that the Bible supports homosexual marriage. The article was written Lisa Miller, Newsweek religion editor.

    Miller’s article is one of the most biased and distorted pieces concerning homosexual marriage ever published by any major news organization. The article is much too long for this e-mail.

    Dr. Albert Mohler has offered a response to the Newsweek article. I suggest you read Mohler’s article and then read Miller’s Newsweek article.

    And in keeping with my tradition of translating the AFA’s fabulous and not-so-opaque communications, here’s what they really mean:

    Newsweek magazine has published a very, very, very, very, very long article stating that the Bible supports homosexual marriage. The article was written Lisa Miller, Newsweek religion editor – for now.

    Miller’s article is one of the most biased (and long) and distorted (and long) pieces in favor of homosexual marriage ever published by any liberal news organization. The article is much, much, much too long for this e-mail. It’s fewer kilobytes than some of the pornographic images that we’ve sent you in the past, but I promise – it’s much, much more boring, and will take much, much too much time to read.

    Dr. Albert Mohler has offered a response to the Newsweek article. It’s a lot shorter. I suggest you read Mohler’s article instead, just to get the basic points. Then you can click on the Newsweek article link and leave impassioned comments about how very WRONG the author is. Don’t worry about not reading the article. Just quote some Bible verses and nobody will know! In fact, since most of you haven’t read the entire Bible either, Dr. Mohler has even been kind enough to tell you exactly which passages to cite in your comments, and how to interpret them. God bless him!

    OMG. So… I did read the article, AND some of the raving comments, on one of my study breaks. Best quote ever, in the comments section. This woman rails on the author, making personal attacks against her, questioning her journalism credentials, suggesting that she might be better suited to write for the National Enquirer, saying her editor is crazy and greedy for allowing the article to be printed, and just generally insulting her for daring to suggest that the Bible might actually condone inclusivity.

    Then, she innocently laments:

    “As an American, I am beginning to feel persecuted for my religious beliefs…and becoming a minority. Will Christian Americans be given the same level of tolerance we have given to others???”

    Oh, precious, I hope so.

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    Missing atheist sign found in Washington state – CNN.com

    December 8th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Law & Politics, Religion]

    Missing atheist sign found in Washington state – CNN.com.

    The scene in Washington state is not unfamiliar. Barker has had signs in Madison, Wisconsin, for 13 years. The placard is often turned around so the message can't be seen, and one year, someone threw acid on it, forcing the group to encase it in Plexiglas.

    Boy, I guess acid is a popular tool of violent suppression, isn’t it?

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    Bush must navigate a treacherous post-presidency – CNN.com

    December 6th, 2008 [General, Law & Politics]

    Bush must navigate a treacherous post-presidency – CNN.com.

    Bush and his handlers are mapping out this phase of the president’s post-White House years. Plans are well under way for a “Freedom Institute” that will aim to promote democracies abroad.

    God forbid he should try to “help” any more. I don’t think the world can take any more of George W. Bush’s help. The biggest favor he can do for all of us, including himself, is to return to his Texas “ranch,” live out a quiet retirement and enjoy his massive oil fortune. Oh, and don’t forget the logging money. “Need some wood?”

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    Obama unveils 21st Century New Deal – Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin – Politico.com

    December 6th, 2008 [Financial, General, Law & Politics]

    Obama unveils 21st Century New Deal – Mike Allen and Jonathan Martin – Politico.com.

    It’s about fucking time we had a president with real ideas about how to fix this country’s economy. I spent a little bit of time reading the comments, and it’s clear that the conservatives on that site have no idea how we got into this mess in the first place.

    This economic crisis is not the product of liberal rule. It’s the product of Reaganomics, pure and simple. Reagan spent and spent and spent, and slashed taxes instead of paying for his spending. Outwardly he theorized that if he made sure the wealthiest people had lots of money, somehow it would trickle down to benefiting the working class. This was, of course, never the true intention, and I sincerely doubt anybody genuinely thought it was going to work. The ultimate goal was to redistribute wealth upward, accumulating most of the nation’s wealth in a few greedy hands, including his own. And that’s what has happened. The middle class is either dying or dead, and they’re still being taxed an arm and a leg, frequently paying larger effective tax rates than people who make millions of dollars. Reagan got rich people accustomed to paying less than their fair share in taxes, and now they bitch and moan if they see so much as a 1% increase in their rates. Reagan racked up massive amounts of debt, piling it up like no president had before. Then Bush piled it up more than all the other presidents combined – including Reagan! The Bush administration has completely demolished this country’s economy and stability – and no conservative can fix it. It will take a liberal hand to do what needs to be done to clean up the mess left by almost 30 years of Republican tyranny, with only a short but sweet Clintonian respite (partially, anyway, since Congress was still ruled by Republicans during Clinton’s terms).

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    Innocent man killed by cops while on his own front lawn. Police generously proclaim him an innocent bystander.

    December 4th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, News, US]

    What the fuck, man?

    Anaheim officer mistakenly kills man on his front lawn.

    But on the bright side, he was innocent. Wait – what?!?!

    I’m sure it came as SUUUUUCH a relief to Julian Alexander’s family that the police have proclaimed that he was “was innocent of anything that the officer suspected was going on in the neighborhood.”

    No, really – it’s precious:

    “Anaheim Police Chief John Welter met with about 30 members of Alexander’s family Tuesday afternoon at a news conference. While not coming out and saying it was the department’s fault, Chief Welter wanted Alexander’s family to know that the 20-year-old, in the department’s eyes, was an innocent bystander in this incident.”

    Fantastic. I’m sure that line went over great at the FUNERAL. “Well, we’ve lost our beloved son, grandson, husband, soon-to-be father because he looked like the suspects (in that he was black, and that’s pretty much it)… but on the bright side, the police say he didn’t do anything to deserve this! What a relief!”

    To be somewhat fair to the police, I think the family had asked them to specify in their news release that he was an innocent bystander – but still! This reminds me of the way they used to test women for witchcraft by weighting them down with stones and putting them in the water. If the women survived, they were guilty and sent to be hanged. If they drowned, well, at least their families could take consolation in the fact that they were innocent…

    So sad – the kid was only 20 years old – and his wife was 7 months pregnant at the time. She’s due this month.

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    Terrorism That’s Personal – NYTimes.com

    December 4th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Law & Politics, News, World]

    Terrorism That’s Personal – NYTimes.com.

    “Since 1994, Ms. Bukhari has documented 7,800 cases of women who were deliberately burned, scalded or subjected to acid attacks, just in the Islamabad area. In only 2 percent of those cases was anyone convicted.”

    This NY Times article highlights the prevalence of acid and burning attacks against women in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other countries where women are viewed as inferior to men. It’s disgusting that these men are getting away with these acts 98% of the time. Absolutely disgusting.

    Watch the video. You need to watch the video.

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    Is “Emily the Strange” a knockoff? You decide.

    December 3rd, 2008 [General, Law & Politics]

    you thought we wouldn’t notice » Blog Archive » Rosamond the Strange.


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    Pink Dollars

    November 30th, 2008 [Civil Rights, Financial, General]

    Pam’s House Blend:: Shopping With My Pink Dollars…How Much Research Do I Need To Do?.

    Shopping with my pink dollars in a way that rewards businesses that have progressive policies for their trans employees apparently is going to take a lot of effort on my part. I believe after watching Milk on T-Day night, I believe it’s incredibly important to reward the businesses that support people like me the most.

    Turns out the company she was looking at was doing the BARE minimum to get a 100% rating from HRC – and it wasn’t very much. I don’t think anybody should be surprised that HRC isn’t going to provide a sufficient measure for trans-friendly businesses… considering they’re not particularly trans-friendly themselves. 😛

    As for anybody who would criticize and claim we’re “blacklisting” companies for their beliefs? Guess what? You people have been doing this for YYEEEEEEAARS. Just ask the American Family Association, which has browbeaten countless corporations into repealing their support for LGBT causes or pulling their advertising from gay-friendly TV programming, and which has organized multiple boycotts of companies which simply committed the heinous crime of offering domestic partnership benefits to its employees. OH NOES – EQUALITY! Punish! Punish! Kill! Kill!

    Deal with it. It’s a taste of your own damned medicine.

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    Seth Grahame-Smith: Should Adopted Children be Allowed to Say “Mommy” and “Daddy?”

    November 29th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Humor, Marriage Equality]

    Seth Grahame-Smith: Should Adopted Children be Allowed to Say “Mommy” and “Daddy?”.

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    Pam’s House Blend:: An Interesting Social Experiment

    November 28th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]

    Pam’s House Blend:: An Interesting Social Experiment:

    Fun indeed! Ackerman decided to no longer recognize the marriages of those around him, much like what happened in the last election. It’s an interesting idea.

    I like it. It entertains me. But I think I might only apply it to people who don’t recognize my wife as my wife.

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    “If you could save a man from going to federal prison, would you?”

    November 25th, 2008 [Civil Rights, Disability Rights, General, Health & Wellness, Medicinal Cannabis, Patient's Rights]

    Facebook | Cheryl Hussein Jones’s Notes | If you could save a man from going to federal prison, would you?.

    It should be noted that the judge in this case refused to allow evidence relating to medicinal marijuana, including the simple fact that Lynch was operating within state laws. As a result, the jury never knew that he was operating legally or that his 2,000 “customers” were in fact ill patients with legal prescriptions – including a 17-year old cancer patient whose parents brought him to Lynch when nothing else would help him with pain and nausea. There were countless sick patients who were willing to testify to their experience with Lynch, and the judge barred them from the courtroom.

    This is an absolute travesty.

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    CitizenLink: Hundreds Thank Mormon Church for Supporting Marriage

    November 25th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality, Religion]

    CitizenLink: Hundreds Thank Mormon Church for Supporting Marriage.

    The National Organization for Marriage has launched a petition drive in response to incendiary attacks from gay activists in California and around the U.S. AboveTheHate.com has collected nearly 1,500 signatures of people thanking the Mormon Church for its support of Prop. 8, California’s marriage-protection amendment.

    Well, isn’t that nice of other churches to be so open toward the Mormon Church? Golly, it’s nice that they have gained such wide acceptance.

    Oh, wait.

    Maggie Gallagher, president of the National Organization for Marriage, said: “The answer is to organize together in defense not only of marriage, and God’s truth about marriage, but in defense of basic, American decency about how we treat each other when we disagree.”

    Maggie Gallagher. Gee, that name sounds familiar. OH YEAH. She’s a MORMON. A BIG Mormon. Her own direct ancestors were polygamists, and although she claims to be rabidly against polygamy, I’ve watched her defend it with my own eyes, live and in person.

    So this petition wasn’t an act of open-mindedness and interfaith collaboration. She’s patting her own damned church on the back, and urging others to do the same. Gee. HOW sweet.

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    D O G P O E T » Drag Queens and a Few Bricks

    November 25th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality, News, Religion, US]

    I’ll warn you now… my post today contains profanity. Deal with it.

    D O G P O E T » Drag Queens and a Few Bricks:

    Last Friday a couple hundred gays and their friends chased a small group of young Christian preachers out of the Castro, calling them “bigots” and chanting “Don’t come back!”

    I wish I’d been there.

    Read More.

    I know people are going to be pissed about this story and complain that gay people are soooo intolerant, and not really “helping our cause.” But this guy is right. We’ve been “helping our cause” by being calm and rational for years, and we’re still being treated like shit. Just how much more of this are we expected to take?

    How would they expect a crowd of Jews or black people to react if a bunch of white-robed Klansmen or swastika-clad neo-Nazis showed up to demonstrate on the street corner in Fairfax, or Brooklyn, or Compton, especially on Yom ha Shoah or the anniversary of MLK Jr’s assassination? We would demand that they get the HELL out of our neighborhood, and we’d be right. We would CHASE THEM OUT, and somehow I doubt people would have much sympathy for them, even though they’re just “expressing an opinion.”

    Historically speaking, members of a civil rights movement being “calm and rational” works best when there is a contingent of people who are fucking pissed off and ready to do what they need to do. Martin Luther King Jr. looked awfully good to white people, compared to Malcolm X. You think radical women didn’t riot in the streets and take over buildings to demand their right to vote at the turn of the last century? And damned if we wouldn’t still be hiding in the bushes and fearing imprisonment for congregating if a bunch of trannies and drag queens hadn’t gotten fucking pissed off at Stonewall. I’m not saying I’m ready to go out in the streets and riot – and I’m certainly not advocating violence. That’s not me. I’m more inclined to be calm and rational. But I’m most definitely not going to tell people they should sit back and let these people trample all over them, especially when they came into the Castro to do it. I am sick to death of gay people having to be super-duper perfect in order to gain “sympathy” from people, and I’m sick of being held to standards that no other groups are expected to meet.

    We got FUCKED on November 4. We literally had our rights torn away from us by a simple majority. We were reduced to second-class citizens – again. Six million people voted for bigotry and hatred. I know that’s not how some people see it, but it’s God’s honest truth. Frankly I think people should be relieved that the reaction isn’t stronger than it has been. This state certainly deserves a stronger reaction than it has seen thus far. I know people don’t think they’re being hateful by supporting Prop 8. I know they don’t see it that way. But hate is hate, and bigotry is bigotry, no matter how hard you try to couch it in love and prayer. “Love the sinner and hate the sin” is the biggest cop-out in the WORLD. And I know they say “Oh, you guys aren’t really helping your cause by protesting. We gave you domestic partnership rights – be happy with that.” Yeah. These are the same people who told us to keep our mouths shut when Jews got pissed off over Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. They’re the same people who told us, “We support Israel, so shut up and let us have our anti-Semitic movie… or else.”

    I know some people see this about religious freedom and religious liberties. They say we should be “tolerant” of people’s religious beliefs about how we’re going to hell. But here’s what I want to know: WHEN has ANY other minority group been expected to sit back and let people walk all over them just because it’s their religion that tells them to do it? Some of the worst forms of bigotry and racism have been justified by religion. Slavery was justified by religion. The HOLOCAUST was justified by religion. The Crusades were PROPELLED by religion. Women were treated as property because of religion. Racism against black people stems from the Bible, according to multiple Christian sects (the Mormons didn’t even let black people enter their religion until the late 1970’s, and they were NOT happy about it). Most of the Native American population was wiped out because American settlers believed they had God’s mandate to take this land from them. And of course, we can’t forget that timeless classic, “We hate the Jews because they killed Christ.” But who would expect a black person to treat a Klansman with respect and tolerance? Who would expect a Jew to smile and be friendly to somebody wearing a swastika armband?

    Yeah, that’s what I thought.

    So why the FUCK should I be friendly and respect the viewpoint of somebody who bases his opinion of me on a Biblical passage that says I should be stoned to death simply because of who I love?

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    Nepal SC approves same-sex marriage- Hindustan Times

    November 23rd, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, LGBT, Marriage Equality, News, World]

    Nepal SC approves same-sex marriage- Hindustan Times.

    Fascinating. So let me get this straight (so to speak): a country in which gay people were not even recognized as citizens a year ago now recognizes same-gender marriage… but America doesn’t? What’s it going to take for America to get its act together???

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    Civics Literacy Quiz – What’s Your Score?

    November 23rd, 2008 [Civil Rights, Financial, General, US]

    From Yahoo News:

    US elected officials scored abysmally on a test measuring their civic knowledge, with an average grade of just 44 percent, the group that organized the exam said Thursday.

    Ordinary citizens did not fare much better, scoring just 49 percent correct on the 33 exam questions compiled by the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI).

    How did you score on the ISI’s Civics Quiz?

    I’m ashamed to admit I missed 2 questions, #27 and #33, giving me a score of 93.94%. Sad, considering that I’m IN an economics right now… ah well. It’s microeconomics anyway. Not sure if we get to take macroeconomics in my program.

    To be fair, I missed #33 because of a semantic misunderstanding; I was reading debt and thinking deficit spending. But in retrospect, the real answer makes more sense.

    In any event, I think it’s particularly sad that most Americans would fail this quiz. Sad that new citizens probably know more about American civics than lifelong ones, eh?

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    Equal v. identical

    November 23rd, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality, YouTube]

    Mommy, Mommy, guess what I learned in school today??.

    What they never told you in the commercials for Prop 8 was that the case in MA was decided under the “mere exposure” rule – i.e. mere exposure to the knowledge that something exists does not constitute a violation of parental rights. For example, teaching that Mormons exist does not equate with teaching the Mormon faith to your children. And teaching that gay people exist doesn’t equate with teaching your children that they should be gay. They were never “teaching” gay marriage; they merely had a packet of information about many types of families, and one of the families happened to have two parents of the same gender.

    Mere exposure to the reality of existence does not constitute “teaching” it in public schools. If you don’t want your kids to know that other people exist, don’t send them to schools where they will meet other people. Nothing proves existence like coming face to face with it.

    I have an idea for a new commercial. “Mommy, Mommy! Guess what I learned in school today! There are some people who don’t believe Jesus is the Lord! They’re called Jews! Mommy, I think I might be a JEW when I grow up!” [mother shows concerned look, calls the school board for an emergency session…]

    Or even better: “Mommy, Mommy! Guess what I learned in school today! All Americans are entitled to equal protection under the law! It’s called the 14th Amendment! And we have a law just like it in our California constitution.” [mother tilts head in horrified consternation.] “Well, sweetie, actually some people don’t deserve equal rights and protections.” “But mommy, they told us in school that discrimination is wrong and everybody is equal!” “Well, sweetie, some people are more equal than others.” “Oh. Does that mean Christians are the boss of Jews?” “Yes, sweetie, it does.” “Oh, good! I’m going to go tell my friend right now; she wouldn’t let me on her swing set and now I can tell her she has to!” “Good job, sweetie.”

    Okay, so I’m a little bit bitter. I did have a childhood friend/neighbor whose parents did a perfectly fine job of offsetting whatever tolerance she may have learned in school. One day when we were about 7 years old, we were playing on the swing set in my back yard and she wanted me to get off of my swing and let her have it (we had two swings, mind you). I said, “It’s my house!” and she said, “Well, Christians are the boss of Jews!” Needless to say, I sent her straight home. She frequently had similar things to say when she was angry; while our families had a working facade of tolerance, in which I would go over there and help her decorate her Christmas tree and she would come over and be our guest at the Passover seder, whenever we were in an argument, it always came down to “I hate Jews,” or “stupid JEWS!” or “Christians are the boss of JEWS!” I have absolutely no doubt as to where this sentiment came from. This same girl’s parents pulled their little boy out of school when “Heather Has Two Mommies” was put on the suggested reading list. So I have every confidence that parents will do JUST FINE at making sure their children are indoctrinated with their own morals even if they are “exposed” to “alternate cultures and lifestyles” in school. It’s not the public school’s job to make sure that children share their parents’ moral values. It’s the public school’s job to give the students an education, and to make sure that they learn how to be contributing members of society. That includes learning about all sorts of people and families, because, hey, guess what? This is America, and this is California, and we are beyond diverse.

    Kids (and hell, most adults, still) need to learn that groups of people can be different and still be equal, because equal doesn’t mean the same.

    A classmate of mine made a comment about equality and how same-gender marriages are not equal to heterosexual marriages because they are inherently different – and how that is just a fact about their difference, and is not meant to demean same-gender couples. Or at least, that’s what I took away from her comment. But I was thinking about that definition of the word “equal” in terms of marriages, and how under that definition, our marriage is inherently different from theirs and is therefore not equal.

    Even mathematically speaking, “equal” doesn’t mean “identical.” It means that two sets of numbers or characters have the same *value*. Saying 2+2 is inherently different from saying “4” which is inherently different from saying 5-1 or 8/2 or sqrt{16} or 2^2. These are all COMPLETELY different expressions that mean completely different things and require completely different approaches – but they are all *equal* values. Recognizing couples’ equality doesn’t mean you’re saying that they are identical, or that they are not different. It says that they are *worth* the same and should be *valued* the same. How would you feel if you *needed* something that cost $20, and all you had was two $10s, and the store wouldn’t take it, because they kept insisting that two $10s was simply not the same as a $20 bill? This is the same kind of frustration we’re experiencing now, because we have something that may look different, but has the same value. Essentially, we’re trying to access this institution with our two $10s, and they’re insisting that only a $20 can buy a marriage license (presumably, a $20 out of the man’s wallet). I disagree. We are equal. We should be valued the same. And we deserve the same rights and responsibilities.

    And now for the ridiculous parody cartoon that sparked this whole disjointed rant… ridiculous in the sense that what it depicts is pretty much what went on in the Yes on 8 campaign, which was utter ridiculousness. “If your children learn it, they will become it!”

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    YouTube – Proposition 8 commercial

    November 23rd, 2008 [Civil Rights, Election 2008, General, Marriage Equality, YouTube]

    Okay, I’ve changed my mind. We SHOULD have put our children on TV. The other side clearly had no problem “faking” families with LGBT parents, and depicting contrived conversations that could only have taken place in a Yes on 8 commercial scriptwriter’s fantasies. (I mean, please. This commercial is just… wow. Is this really how they imagine things are in our households? And notice how the kid never acknowledges the other parent in the room. Goes along with the whole argument that having two parents of the same gender is akin to being raised by a single parent.)

    So yeah – we should have put REAL families, and REAL children of same-gender couples, on the air to talk about how their families are REAL and deserve REAL rights. Otherwise all that’s left is this ridiculous propaganda.

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    Obama’s vetting could chase away candidates – CNN.com

    November 22nd, 2008 [General, Law & Politics, US]

    I don’t see how anybody could possibly be complaining about a rigorous vetting procedure, when politicians’ private lives are increasingly made public and scrutinized by the media. If he doesn’t get this stuff out into the open now, it will be uncovered by bloggers, and it will be made public at the most inopportune time – probably when these people are trying to actually accomplish something significant. There’s nothing quite like a major media scandal to derail the political process…

    In any event, I think we’ve all seen what happens when people fail to adequately vet their nominees…

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    Obese have right to two airline seats | Oddly Enough | Reuters

    November 22nd, 2008 [Disability Rights, General, News]

    Obese have right to two airline seats | Oddly Enough | Reuters.

    Very curious as to how social conservatives will view this decision. I can just see the debate now: Side A: “Public businesses have to provide accessible seats to their customers, including larger people, and shouldn’t penalize them by charging double fees if the provided seats are too small.” Side B: “Fat people just want special rights. Let them lose their fat asses if they want equal prices.”

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    Report: 60 Million People You’d Never Talk To Voting For Other Guy | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

    November 22nd, 2008 [Election 2008, General, Humor]

    God, why wasn’t I reading The Onion during election season?

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    Pam’s House Blend:: Domestic Partnership Benefits? They are after those too.

    November 22nd, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]

    Pam’s House Blend:: Domestic Partnership Benefits? They are after those too..

    Of course, this shouldn’t surprise us – it’s exactly what the Prop 22 supporters (or as I like to call them, the Kalifornia Knight Koalition) did when the legislature passed AB 205. They ran straight to the court and demanded that we be stripped of domestic partnership rights because Prop 22 prohibited marriage or anything LIKE it from being granted to “those people.”

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    A translation guide to anti-equality pundits

    November 20th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]

    Every article I’ve read supporting Prop 8 and opposing same-gender marriage can be reduced to some “objective” set of “points” which serve as a very, very thin mask for the religious, moral arguments really being offered up.

    People don’t seem to want to admit that they adhere to the moral, religious arguments, and so they couch them as pseudo-intellectual, pseudo-secular arguments about politics and society, rather than be honest about the fact that they really just don’t think that same-gender relationships can ever possibly live up to the high moral plane upon which they place heterosexual relationships.

    But of course, it’s impossible to have a genuine dialogue with people who can’t admit that the arguments they’re offering up are not actually the reason they’re supporting anti-equality legislation.

    Just be honest, people! Offer up a debate on the issues as you really see them, instead of couching them in the language of secular intellectualism.

    Let’s look at these popular “points” of discussion:

    1) Gay people can’t procreate, so they shouldn’t be allowed to marry.

    What it really means: God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage: This country has never required applicants for marriage to be fertile or to have children. The elderly can marry. The infertile can marry. People who choose not to have children can marry. People who have had tubes tied can marry. Married couples have a constitutionally-protected right to choose to use birth-control even while they are married. And yet gay people have babies every day, but can’t get married. And hey, guess what? Adoption doesn’t require procreative ability.

    2) Recognizing gay relationships will lead to recognizing incest, polygamy, or even bestiality.

    What it really means: God thinks gay sex is in the same moral category as incest, polygamy, or bestiality.

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage: Well, aside from the fact that incest is already legal in 26 states (you can marry your first cousin!), animals are not adults and cannot sign a contract, and polygamy is double-dipping? A marriage takes two people and makes them a single legal entity. You can’t do that if you’re already a single legal entity with somebody else. It’s a legal impossibility that has nothing to do with *couples*, which the law recognizes. If the law allowed a man to have two wives, *then* we might talk about whether a woman can have two wives too. Until then, the polygamy debate is a moot point. The great irony of course is that if only some states allow same-gender marriage but not others, then polygamy WILL occur. Requiring 50-state recognition is the only way to *prevent* polygamy.

    3) Denying the right for gay people to marry is no different from denying the right for an adult to marry a child.

    What it really means: Gay sex is morally equivalent to pedophilia and should be denied in the same way.

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage:


    B) Actually, that’s not true. In most states a child CAN get married, with a court order and/or parental permission; and

    C) If an adult-minor couple (such as Sarah Palin’s daughter and her boyfriend) REALLY, REALLY want to get married and can’t get parental permission, they have the option of waiting until the minor is 18 years old, and THEN they can get married. A gay couple does not have that same option.

    D) Let’s stop for a second and get something straight here, okay? (No pun intended).

    There is virtually NO other situation in which two unmarried adults who are legally allowed to have sex with each other are NOT allowed to get married.

    Incest (sex between close relatives) is ILLEGAL. So the argument that gay marriage will lead to incestuous marriage is moot, because there is a crime being committed by virtue of the fact that these two people are having sex in the first place. Marriage does not absolve them of the crime.

    Sex between adults and minors is ILLEGAL. There is a crime being committed by virtue of the fact that they are having sex – therefore, marriage is out of the question, because the relationship itself is illegal. Marriage does not negate the fact that a crime is being committed – except in Utah. (Nah, I’m sure there are other states besides Utah where a 40 year old can marry a 16 year old and legally have sex with her. But that is a WHOLE OTHER moral argument.)

    Sex between people and animals is ILLEGAL. There is a crime being committed by virtue of the fact that they are having sex – therefore marriage is out of the question, because the relationship itself is illegal.

    Sex between two unmarried adults of the same gender is NOT illegal. No crime is committed based on their relationship. And yet they are barred from getting married on the grounds that their relationship is identical to that in which a crime IS committed.

    How is this logical?

    Well, it’s not. In fact, MOST anti-gay laws are grounded in the notion that you can legally treat gay people as presumed criminals because their sexual activities are against the law. Job discrimination, housing discrimination, and marriage discrimination all stem from the outdated view that gay sex is not only immoral, but illegal. But guess what? That’s not the case. There is no longer any legal grounds for treating gay people like criminals. And yet it continues.

    4) Gay people have the same rights as straight people – to marry somebody of the opposite sex.

    What it really means: “Gay” is a disease that can be cured. It’s not an identity; it’s a behavior. Let gay people turn straight if they want to be married.

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage: This one should speak for itself. If you’re willing to make the argument that I should have to subject myself to rape (I would never consent to heterosexual sex) just so I can have access to the institution of marriage, then I have nothing to say to you.

    Nobody should ever have to make that choice; that’s what it means to live in a free society.

    The argument in Loving v. Virginia was not that being black was somehow an immutable characteristic and that’s why they allowed the marriage. The woman in that case had a choice too. She could have left her husband and found a black man to marry so she could have legal marital recognition. But she didn’t love a black man. She loved her husband. The court acknowledged this ridiculous, offensive argument, but found it to be distasteful and fallacious. Having the “same” rights does not necessarily mean having “equal” rights. A person in a wheelchair has just as much right to vote as somebody who can walk, but if all the polling stations are upstairs, how can you say there is “equality” based on the “same” rights? The law doesn’t have to treat you “the same” in order to treat you “equally.”

    In any event, being gay is not a “choice,” not that this should matter, and it’s not an “illness” to be “treated.” Religious membership is a choice, and you’re not banned from marriage because of it. (well, maybe you are by your religion – but not by the government!)

    If you believe it’s a choice or some sort of reflection of life experiences? Let’s have a talk some time. Ask me how old I was the first time I liked a girl.

    5) But if we allow gay marriage, then we won’t be able to discriminate against gay couples! (Oh noes!)

    What it really means: But if we allow gay marriage, then we won’t be able to discriminate against gay couples! (Oh noes!)

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage: Trust me – you’ll be able to discriminate. You’ll still be able to deny us religious recognition. You’ll still manage to keep us out of your congregations. You’ll still hate us even while you tell us you love us but hate our sin. The LAW, however, CANNOT discriminate like that. If you want your religious freedom, then you need to allow me my religious freedom, and that includes the right to have my religious marriage accorded legal rights.

    6) Domestic partnerships are the same as marriage, legally speaking.

    What it really means: Either “Separate can be equal,” or “You aren’t equal, so why should you get equal access? And by the way, give us time and we’ll go after domestic partnership rights too.”

    Why it’s not a valid argument against civil marriage:

    A) No, separate is not equal.

    B) Even if separate were equal, domestic partnership is not the same as marriage. No husband is taxed on his wife’s and children’s health insurance benefits. Domestic partners ARE. There are a million reasons why these are completely unequal institutions, taxation being only one of them.

    C) We already HAVE two separate institutions of unions, and you can’t seem to get your head around that. What makes us think that in another ten years you won’t say, “Domestic partnership is marriage! Protect the sanctity of domestic partnership!”? Civil marriage was supposed to be the secular equivalent of marriage. Somewhere along the way, you guys conflated it, and now we’re fighting over creation of a THIRD institution to do what the SECOND one was supposed to accomplish.

    D) The organizations that instituted Proposition 8 have proven time and time again that they are not willing to stop at marriage. They have sued in countless states to eliminate domestic partnership, they have instituted boycotts against companies that give domestic partnership benefits, and they have circulated ballot petitions to eliminate domestic partnership in California. Why on EARTH would we believe they will stop fighting now that they’ve tasted blood?

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    Joe. My. God.: The Truth About Phyllis Burgess

    November 20th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality]

    Joe. My. God.: The Truth About Phyllis Burgess.

    Yeah, I thought there was more to this story than some innocent old lady being attacked… not saying the crowd was in the right, but dude, she elbowed her way through the middle of the crowd, and had already knocked over a disabled man – and would likely have continued to be violent herself. It seems she’s something of a Phred Phelps character, frequently showing up and antagonizing people at LGBT events.

    Still no major coverage of the off-duty CORRECTIONS OFFICER who mocked a No on 8-protesting family (including children) by showing his gun and crowing, “Look what I have!”

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    Prop 8 Protest and March on Flickr – amusing sign

    November 19th, 2008 [Civil Rights, General, Humor, Marriage Equality]

    Prop 8 Protest and March on Flickr.

    This has got to be one of the most entertaining signs…

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