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Harry Potter – How excited are you?

February 6th, 2007 [Arts & Entertainment, Books, Leisure & Recreation]


Hello, is anybody else getting impatient for the upcoming release of the final Harry Potter book??? I know I certainly am. I still need to reread the fifth and sixth books. Every time a new HP book comes out, I reread the entire series beforehand. I don’t think I’ll have time to do that this time! LOL. I’ll still read the last couple, though.

Want to avoid waiting in loooong lines? Preorder it now, from Amazon or from Barnes & Noble.

In the meantime, come on, out with it – who has theories or predictions? There are book 6 spoilers here so I’ve made the text white: I think a lot of us think Snape did kill Dumbledore, but that Dumbledore told him to, if it came down to it. It’s possible Dumbledore was actually wrong in trusting Snape, but it would seem like such a waste otherwise… More commentary after I read book 6 again. I tend to tear through it the day it arrives, so it’s been a long time since I read it!

EDIT: Possible spoilers in the comments too! Just so you know!

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2 Responses to “Harry Potter – How excited are you?”

  1. Dumbledore died on purpose, the rebirth is the only way he can get all the power he needs or something? rather dissapointed with the horucrux angle, only cause Gaiman used a similar dealio in Neverwhere…but it is different in the end, just super similar.

    exciting that jk feels 7 is her favorites

    that’s a good sign i hope. i’m re-reading 5 and 6 now. i can’t wait for the chinese pdf to pop in june or early july. i’ll buy the book as well, but i need to have me hands on it as soon as someone in the world scans it…thank goddess for torrents!

  2. You really think he’s coming back, though? I feel like it would be so cheap to put everybody through the ending of Book 6 only to bring him back again in the next book. Plus, hasn’t she said he’s dead for good? I mean, don’t get me wrong – it’s not like it hasn’t been done a thousand times before… but I’m thinking it would have more of a Lorne effect than a Buffy effect – you just want to slap somebody for scaring you like that. Then again, nobody brought in Dumbledore’s head on a platter. 😛

    Haha, don’t forget to buy the book through this site. 😉 <3 <3 <3

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