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Commentary: Miss California, thanks for being honest – CNN.com

April 22nd, 2009 [Civil Rights, General, Marriage Equality, Television]

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Commentary: Miss California, thanks for being honest – CNN.com.

My take:

My problem with her answer was not that she expressed her opinion about what marriage *should* be, but that she displayed an ignorance of the reality faced by same-gender couples. For most of us, the “choice” of same-sex marriage is not available. We don’t live in a country where people get to choose opposite-sex marriage or same-sex marriage; we live in a country where people like Miss California get to make that decision FOR people like me. So to me, it sounded like she was either completely misinformed as to whether same-gender couples can actually marry in America, or was saying, “Hey, you chose to be gay, so you don’t get to be married.” Either way, her answer was far from honest. An opinion is an opinion, but she flat out lied.

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