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Miss California USA Prejean dethroned – CNN.com

June 10th, 2009 [General]

1 Comment »

Miss California USA Prejean dethroned – CNN.com.

Yeah. And when she commits a crime somewhere later down the line and is convicted, she’ll be all, “Like, they only convicted me because of teh gayz!” Let’s spell this out – when you sign a contract, you have to keep to its terms. This was resolved. She was fine – and then she messed up. She should have gotten fired the first time around, when she breached her contract by lying about her near-topless photos. And if she had gotten fired then, she probably STILL would have blamed it on teh gayz.

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One Response to “Miss California USA Prejean dethroned – CNN.com”

  1. Perez Hilton has an obvious agenda, but it isn’t to promote the LGBT cause – it’s to promote himself and his blog. He’s a celebrity. That’s what he does.

    But as to the question about gay men and female beauty? Are you kidding? Who do you think does their makeup and their hair and picks out their clothes?

    By your reasoning, there should not be any straight females on the panel either, because they aren’t interested in women either, right?

    The pageant is supposed to be about beauty, not fuckability. A person can be a judge without a requirement that they be sexually attracted to the contestants. I’d think that’s a safer arrangement anyway.

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