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Today in Christopedia | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper

October 8th, 2009 [General]

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via Today in Christopedia | Slog | The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper.

The Christian folks over at Christopedia have (barely) cleaned up yesterday’s article about Barack Obama and made it today’s featured article.

But I don’t want to feature that article anymore. I want to feature this article: Racial differences between Negroes and Caucasians.

Of course, by now this article has been cleaned up too. Be sure to check out what was originally in the article, as well as the “cleaned up” version, which still reads like an obscene issue-spotter exam – something wrong in every sentence! The level of ridiculousness would almost be amusing if I didn’t know people actually believed this crap.

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