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The difference

January 14th, 2010 [Civil Rights, Marriage Equality]

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The opposing side’s blog is here. While prop8trialtracker.com and this site have some very deliberate similarities in design, what strikes me most is the difference in content. The Prop 8 folks are basically spinning faulty summaries of the testimony that are meant to convey the notion that the Prop 8 lawyers are knocking it out of the ballpark, shooting down flimsy expert after flimsy expert. They have also turned off comments. The No on 8 folks, on the other hand, are including minimal commentary, but are mostly just trying to get as close as they can to providing a real-time transcript, to let people see the testimony for themselves, with commenting open to engage people in discussion (firedoglake.com has another excellent live trial blog).

Meanwhile, the Yes on 8 folks are trying to impeach the plaintiffs’ expert witnesses by pointing out that they all support same-sex marriage and many contributed to No on 8. Well gosh, I guess that makes their expert research inadmissible. Incidentally, were the Yes on 8 people planning to put up expert witnesses who believe strongly in same-sex marriage, but decided to testify against it, just for argument’s sake?

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