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Just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning spinning spinning…

January 25th, 2010 [Marriage Equality]


Ladies and gentlemen, if I could just call your attention to the final lines of the latest ProtectMarriage.com entry

In fact, when the video cameras stop rolling and the sensationalism of this trial fades away, it will become clear that plaintiffs have essentially presented a political argument—not a legal claim. Such a case belongs in the public debate, not a courtroom.

Tags: Gregory Herek, prop8, protect marriage, traditional Marriage

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Raise your hand if you see something glaringly wrong with this?

Let’s break this down:

1) What video cameras? This guy would have you believe there’s some sort of media circus going on in the court room. Seriously? These people went to the SUPREME COURT to keep this thing from being televised. Yes, it’s being recorded for the judge, but those recordings are not being released to the public, and from the court transcripts they already appear to be biting their nails about what’s going to happen to them at the end of the trial. So… “When the video cameras stop rolling”? Really? Can we say, “HYPERBOLE”?

2) What sensationalism? There’s been virtually no media attention to this trial. If I wasn’t a gay law student taking an active interest in the trial, I’d have no reason to know it’s even happening. Network news hasn’t really touched it much. Stewart and Colbert are barely even acknowledging it, if they have at all. So again – what sensationalism would that be, exactly?

3) If the case belongs in the public debate, why have you turned off both pings AND comments?

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3 Responses to “Just keep spinning, just keep spinning, spinning spinning spinning…”

  1. I think you get bonus points for ripping a line from an Ellen deGeneres role for your post title.

    The thing you’re forgetting here is that it is the practice of Muslim socialist fatwa governments to secretly surveille their subjects. (See: communist Russia.) The cameras do not, in this case, belong to the mainstream media (fortunate) — but rather to a far more pernicious entity: the United States government of Barack Obama!


    And if someone who calls himself “Big Brother” setting up hidden cameras all over the place to watch you in your most intimate moments isn’t super-gay, then what is?

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dave Drever, obscanity. obscanity said: ProtectMarriage.com's exercise in hyperbole and invention. http://bit.ly/d99n5a […]

  3. @Kate:

    “And if someone who calls himself “Big Brother” setting up hidden cameras all over the place to watch you in your most intimate moments isn’t super-gay, then what is?”

    Big Daddy. =)

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