Newsflash: Ann Coulter says something stupid. Wait a minute… that’s nothing new.
September 11th, 2008 [Blogs, Environment, General]
No Comments »“Hurricane Gustav came and went without a hitch. What a difference a Republican governor makes!”
Yeah… he huffed and he puffed and blew that storm away… he just blew and blew and somehow that the storm just magically downgraded itself and floated off into the sunset. Golly. What a difference a Republican governor makes. Maybe next time we have massive fires because Ahnold refuses to clear hazardous brush, we can just ask him to blow the fires out.
As for her remark about Michael Moore saying a Category 3 hurricane hitting the United States is proof that there is a god in heaven? Well, I didn’t see the interview so I don’t know what the context was, but I’d be willing to bet it had something to do with Focus on the Family’s urging its membership to pray for rain of “biblical proportions.” They asked, God answered. Proof, right? How was God to know that that Republican governor was SOOO full of hot air that he was able to purse his lips and blow that storm right back into God’s face?
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