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Chatsworth Metrolink Collision – Placing Blame Already???

September 14th, 2008 [Editorial, General, News, US]

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I have been enthralled with this Metrolink collision, as it happened in Chatsworth, which is in my “native homeland,” the San Fernando Valley (and I’ve taken the train out of Chatsworth a few times). I’m surprised that more people aren’t talking about it, considering that it’s the worst US rail accident in years. (Click for fatality list, which hopefully will not grow.)

I have to agree with the rail workers’ union – I think it’s awfully premature to be placing blame on the engineer, who in the accident. Even before I read this article, I thought, “How convenient for MTA to be placing blame on a single individual. How convenient that it was his actions, and not a MTA technical error, which led to the collision… How convenient that this blame has been placed on one who cannot defend himself.” Of course, it’s entirely possible this 10-year veteran of the rail industry did “ignore” a red light warning that a train was coming up ahead. It COULD have happened that way. Perhaps this guy was text messaging while operating a commuter train, in violation of oh so many laws. But without examining the data/signal recorders and the other physical evidence that will be gathered and investigated in the coming weeks and months, it seems exceedingly premature and yes, convenient, for Metro to assign blame immediately, and then claim they’re doing it in the interest of “honesty.”

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