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Raining Jane!

March 21st, 2007 [Arts & Entertainment, General, Leisure & Recreation, Music, The Social Network, Web]

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I’ve probably already talked about Raining Jane and how very wonderful they are, but now I have a new reason to yammer on about them! My friend was searching on YouTube and found a series of Raining Jane videos from a Fender show, so now you can see how fantabulous these ladies are, even if they’re not coming to your town!

(However, if they are playing locally, GO SEE THEM. No matter how terrific these videos are, Raining Jane is a thousand times better when they’re standing right in front of you. This is pretty mellow as their performances go, and the sound quality is crystal clear but doesn’t really capture their essence.) 😀

Convinced? Buy Raining Jane’s most recent album, Diamond Lane, on iTunes, at Amazon.com, or even better, through Raining Jane’s website.

Desperate Sails:

More Raining Jane awesomeness behind the cut:


Mona and Becky jam – AWESOME:

Wind and Sea (my new favorite):

Wyoming Sky:

The new song – I think it’s called Castles and Factories but I could be wrong – and this video also contains… YES, YES, YES, it’s Video Killed the Radio Star!!!! *giggle*:

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