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Secret Service & Department of Justice looking remarkably like GOP operatives

October 18th, 2008 [Civil Rights, Election 2008, General]

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Secret Service denies someone yelled ‘Kill him’ at Palin rallies. Interestingly, the Secret Service agents they interviewed were NOT there on security. My guess is they were attending to show support for Palin. So what exactly would be their motivation to admit to hearing death threats levied at Obama? And why did their investigation only include interviews of other Secret Service agents? How about interviewing the other reporters? But no – they might actually get information they don’t want, if they do that!

Secret Service starts helping McCain/Palin keep secrets, blocks journalists from crowds. I have to agree with Dan Savage: If Sarah Palin isn’t going to talk to journalists, the media should either demand access, or even better, just put a freeze on any story related to Sarah Palin. If she doesn’t want to be covered in the media, then they should obey her wishes, and she should be excised from it.

Then again… America needs to see how out of touch she is.

Meanwhile, over at the Department of Justice, which has played Bush Lackey in the past, is stepping up to the GOP plate again with its “investigation” of ACORN. OR IS IT? Who really knows? At least they recognize that this is a highly partisan conflict: ACORN wants underrepresented portions of the American electorate to vote… and the GOP does not. Highly partisan.

I think we all know where this is leading – the GOP wants some excuse, any excuse, to invalidate more than one million registrations submitted by ACORN – even though only a couple thousand of them were invalid. 1) ACORN is required by law to submit all registrations it receives. Invalid registrations won’t be verified, so no voter fraud will take place. Estimates are that no more than 2% of them are likely to be invalid, and not one of the invalid registrations will actually be approved. 2) Can we just review here, for a minute, the real voter fraud that occurs every day by GOP operatives? For more details, review my previous post on GOP voter fraud. This whole ACORN business is one giant “Hey, look over there!”

I seem to recall that at LEAST a few thousand signatures were dropped from the Prop 8 signature count because they were invalid. Wait, did I say a few thousand? More like a few hundred thousand.

Here is the random sample signature data for Prop 8 (PDF). Let’s look at some interesting details:

Raw count: 1,120,801
Random sample (full check): 43,191
Now, JUST in the random sample data – that is, ONLY out of the 43,191, we have these statistics:
Valid signatures: 36,560
Invalid signatures: 6,621
Duplicate signatures: 236

Therefore, projected count of valid signatures: 781,873
Percent accuract: 79.51%

Let’s do a tiny bit of math here: If 781,873 signatures were projected to be valid by the random sample check, that means that 338,928 signatures were projected to be INVALID. The real number could be much higher than that.

If we’re going to have a conversation about mass voter fraud, let’s start there. Hey FBI – I’ve got an investigation for ya.

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