Apparently, opt-out laws are only for conservative parents
October 26th, 2008 [Election 2008, General]
No Comments »Some San Francisco parents are furious after discovering that the Yes on 8 campaign was using their children’s images in their fear-mongering commercials and on their fund-raising website. The parents – all heterosexual, I might add – have demanded that Yes on 8 stop exploiting their children for Yes on 8’s political agenda.
Ponder this for a moment. These are the same zealots who insist that children will be indoctrinated in schools, against parents’ wishes. And yet, they are using footage of a wedding attended by 1st-graders, EVERY SINGLE ONE of whom had parental permission to be there. The parents who wanted their children to stay home simply did not send their children on the field trip. It was that easy.
So these conservative parents were able to opt-out of this lesson, despite what Yes on 8 would have you believe – and yet, the same Yes on 8 people have denied these children and their parents the same respect, dignity, and control over their personal image, by failing to get permission to splash these children’s faces all over their television and website advertising.
Just how despicable and hypocritical can these Yes on 8 people get???
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