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Sometimes the reaction to a story is more telling than the story itself.

November 28th, 2008 [General, News, US]

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Okay, so like… this story is really disturbing and a little bit suspicious (she really didn’t know him?) and kinda gross (okay, a lot gross)… but even MORE disturbing is this comment left on the article by a reader:

As for females talking about a double-standard. There sure is. It’s called biology.

If this woman gets knocked up, the guy would unknowingly raise the child. It’s called cuckholding and is one of the most horrific shames a man can endure. She is dishonoring his family, forcing him to raise someone else’s children. Absolutely disgusting. As for the other cheater, he’s getting some high fives because some sucker is raising his kid now. His DNA gets to go on.

That the husband blames himself is awful. That’s a product of this overly feminized society. To be honest, if my partner did this to me, I would be hard-pressed not to kill her. In other countries, where the concept of HONOR exists, this might be justifiable.

Also, in this overpopulated world, mamabear should not be allowed to have six kids. From her comments, she sounds like a very selfish person.

Wow. That’s even more sick than the story itself. This guy actually believes that “honor killings” are about honor and not the male ego, and he almost seems sorry that he couldn’t get away with that here.


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